Dr.Sling Hsu will bring organic vegetables (green vegetables, leeks, rape, snow red, sweet cabbage, A dishes, mustard and so on) and organic fertilizers (organic enzymes and probiotics, etc.) To explain to you organic cultivation, ppt introduction, 11:00 am to 6:00 pm open the conference room, we free to visit, and ppt explain arrangements at 11:00 am, 2:30 pm, 4:30 pm 3 time period, in order to avoid (Adam_sandiego) or leave a comment indicate the time period you are going to visit, let’s confirm the seat arrangement, thank you (the first 100 people are automatically VIP, 10% discount for the lifetime!)
Dr Sling Hsu:
I came from Ping Tung, Taiwan to U.S. in 1996.
My bachelor degree is from National Chung Hsing University, Soil Science. 1990
My master degree is from National Chung Hsing University, Soil Science. 1992
Then, I got one year doctoral study in my University in 1993. I came with my family to U. S. in 1996.
Go to U C Riverside for one quarter doctoral study in 1997. Then got Doctoral Degree in 2002, from The Union Institute at Cincinnati, Ohio. Environmental Soil Science. I have three publications in Soil Science Journal in 2003.
I worked and studied with world famous Soil Scientists, Dr. Arthur Wallace and Dr. Joe Hung for several years, then began to doing organic farming business and also setup Brothers Farm doing organic fertilizer and soil improvement in 2006.